{{ invoice.ubl_version_id }} {{ invoice.ubl_version_id }} {{ invoice.profile_id }} {{ invoice.invoice_id }} {{ invoice.issue_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") }} {% if invoice.due_date is defined -%} {{ invoice.due_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") }} {% endif -%} {{ invoice.invoice_type_code }} {{ invoice.currency }} {{ invoice.currency }} {{ invoice.seller_party.party_legal_entity_id }} {{ invoice.seller_party.name }} {{ invoice.seller_party.postal_address.address }} {{ invoice.seller_party.postal_address.city_name }} {{ invoice.seller_party.postal_address.postal_zone }} {{ invoice.seller_party.postal_address.country }} {{ invoice.seller_party.party_legal_entity_id }} VAT {{ invoice.seller_party.name }} {{ invoice.seller_party.party_legal_entity_id }} {{ invoice.seller_party.mail }} {{ invoice.buyer_party.party_legal_entity_id }} {{ invoice.buyer_party.name }} {{ invoice.buyer_party.postal_address.address }} {{ invoice.buyer_party.postal_address.city_name }} {{ invoice.buyer_party.postal_address.postal_zone }} {{ invoice.buyer_party.postal_address.country }} {{ invoice.buyer_party.party_legal_entity_id }} VAT {{ invoice.buyer_party.name }} {{ invoice.buyer_party.party_legal_entity_id }} {{ invoice.buyer_party.mail }} {%- if invoice.payment_means_code is defined %} {{ invoice.payment_means_code }} {%- if invoice.payment_means_code == "49" and invoice.buyer_party.bank_info.iban is defined %} {%- if invoice.buyer_party.bank_info.mandate_reference_identifier is defined %} {{ invoice.buyer_party.bank_info.mandate_reference_identifier }} {%- endif %} {{ invoice.buyer_party.bank_info.iban }} {%- elif invoice.payment_means_code == "49" and invoice.buyer_party.bank_info.account is defined %} {%- if invoice.buyer_party.bank_info.mandate_reference_identifier is defined %} {{ invoice.buyer_party.bank_info.mandate_reference_identifier }} {%- endif %} {{ invoice.buyer_party.bank_info.account }} {%- elif invoice.payment_means_code == "31" and invoice.seller_party.bank_info.iban is defined and invoice.seller_party.bank_info.bic is defined %} {{ invoice.seller_party.bank_info.iban }} {{ invoice.seller_party.bank_info.bic }} {%- elif invoice.payment_means_code == "31" and invoice.seller_party.bank_info.account is defined -%} {{ invoice.seller_party.bank_info.account }} {%- endif %} {%- endif %} {%- if invoice.discount_amount.amount > 0 %} false discount {{ invoice.discount_percent * 100 }} {{ invoice.discount_amount }} {{ invoice.discount_base_amount }} {%- for tax in invoice.unique_taxes -%} {{ tax.category }} {{ tax.percent * 100 }} VAT {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} {%- if invoice.charge_amount.amount > 0 %} true charge {{ invoice.charge_percent * 100 }} {{ invoice.charge_amount }} {{ invoice.charge_base_amount }} {%- for tax in invoice.unique_taxes %} {{ tax.category }} {{ tax.percent * 100 }} VAT {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} {{ invoice.tax_amount() }} {% for tax in invoice.unique_taxes -%} {{ invoice.taxable_base(tax) }} {{ invoice.tax_amount(tax) }} {{ tax.category }} {{ tax.percent * 100 }} VAT {% endfor -%} {{ invoice.line_extension_amount }} {{ invoice.tax_exclusive_amount }} {{ invoice.tax_inclusive_amount }} {% if invoice.discount_amount.amount > 0 -%} {{ invoice.discount_amount }} {% endif -%} {% if invoice.charge_amount.amount > 0 -%} {{ invoice.charge_amount }} {% endif -%} {{ invoice.payable_amount }} {% for line in invoice.lines -%} {{ loop.index }} {{ line.quantity }} {{ line.line_extension_amount }} {{ line.item_name }} {{ line.tax.category }} {{ line.tax.percent * 100 }} VAT {{ line.price }} {% endfor -%}