CSV2MentorOtp.py 11 KB

  1. '''Created 15 Jun 2023 Levi'''
  2. from datetime import date
  3. import pandas as pd
  4. import csv
  5. import os
  6. import shutil
  7. from pymt940.utils import (get_partners, re_check_otp, dig_it, get_last_month)
  8. class PaymentsProcessorOtp:
  9. def __init__(self, csv_path, partner_data, account_name=None, account_number=None,
  10. currency=None, account_location=None, account_agency=None, account_symbol=None):
  11. self.csv_path = csv_path
  12. self.partner_data = partner_data
  13. self._account_name = account_name
  14. self._account_number = account_number
  15. self._currency = currency
  16. self._account_location = account_location
  17. self._account_agency = account_agency
  18. self._account_symbol = account_symbol
  19. self.trans_dict = None
  20. self.names_dict = None
  21. self.obs_dict = None
  22. self.counts = None
  23. self.doc_list = None
  24. self.unique_count = None
  25. self.fiscal_code_dict = None
  26. self.days = None
  27. @property
  28. def account_name(self):
  29. return self._account_name
  30. @account_name.setter
  31. def account_name(self, value):
  32. self._account_name = value
  33. @property
  34. def account_number(self):
  35. return self._account_number
  36. @account_number.setter
  37. def account_number(self, value):
  38. self._account_number = value
  39. @property
  40. def currency(self):
  41. return self._currency
  42. @currency.setter
  43. def currency(self, value):
  44. self._currency = value
  45. @property
  46. def account_location(self):
  47. return self._account_location
  48. @account_location.setter
  49. def account_location(self, value):
  50. self._account_location = value
  51. @property
  52. def account_agency(self):
  53. return self._account_agency
  54. @account_agency.setter
  55. def account_agency(self, value):
  56. self._account_agency = value
  57. @property
  58. def account_symbol(self):
  59. return self._account_symbol
  60. @account_symbol.setter
  61. def account_symbol(self, value):
  62. self._account_symbol = value
  63. def process_payment_data(self, day_slice=(0, 2)):
  64. df_dict = get_partners(self.partner_data)
  65. fiscal_codes = df_dict['CodFiscal']
  66. mentor_names = df_dict['Denumire']
  67. self.fiscal_code_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip(mentor_names, fiscal_codes)}
  68. # empty_row_index = -1
  69. # with open(self.csv_path, 'r') as csvfile:
  70. # reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
  71. # for i, row in enumerate(reader):
  72. # if all(not cell or cell.isspace() for cell in row):
  73. # empty_row_index = i
  74. # break
  75. # # Temporary file to hold the non-empty rows
  76. # temp_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), self.csv_path) # '/home/deeejas/Documents/temp.csv'
  77. #
  78. # with open(self.csv_path, 'r') as csvfile, open(temp_file_path, 'w', newline='') as temp_csv:
  79. # reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
  80. # writer = csv.writer(temp_csv)
  81. # for i, row in enumerate(reader):
  82. # if i >= empty_row_index:
  83. # break
  84. # writer.writerow(row)
  85. # # Overwrite the original file by renaming the temp file
  86. # shutil.move(temp_file_path, self.csv_path)
  87. payments_df = pd.read_csv(self.csv_path, keep_default_na=False)
  88. payments_df = payments_df.iloc[1:]
  89. payments_df = payments_df.loc[(payments_df['Suma Debit'] != '') & (payments_df['Suma Debit'] != '0.00')]
  90. # print(payments_df['Suma Debit'])
  91. payments_df['Amount'] = payments_df['Suma Debit'].map(str).apply(dig_it).map(abs)
  92. payments_df['symbols'] = ''
  93. payments_df['types'] = ''
  94. payments_df.loc[payments_df['symbols'] == '', 'symbols'] = 401
  95. payments_df.loc[payments_df['types'] == '', 'types'] = 'ALIMENTARE CREDIT'
  96. self._calculate_payment_attributes(payments_df, mentor_names=mentor_names, day_slice=day_slice)
  97. return payments_df
  98. def process_income_data(self, day_slice=(0, 2)):
  99. df_dict = get_partners(self.partner_data)
  100. fiscal_codes = df_dict['CodFiscal']
  101. mentor_names = df_dict['Denumire']
  102. self.fiscal_code_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip(mentor_names, fiscal_codes)}
  103. # empty_row_index = -1
  104. # with open(self.csv_path, 'r') as csvfile:
  105. # reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
  106. # for i, row in enumerate(reader):
  107. # if all(not cell or cell.isspace() for cell in row):
  108. # empty_row_index = i
  109. # break
  110. # # Temporary file to hold the non-empty rows
  111. # temp_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), self.csv_path) # '/home/deeejas/Documents/temp.csv'
  112. #
  113. # with open(self.csv_path, 'r') as csvfile, open(temp_file_path, 'w', newline='') as temp_csv:
  114. # reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
  115. # writer = csv.writer(temp_csv)
  116. # for i, row in enumerate(reader):
  117. # if i >= empty_row_index:
  118. # break
  119. # writer.writerow(row)
  120. # # Overwrite the original file by renaming the temp file
  121. # shutil.move(temp_file_path, self.csv_path)
  122. income_df = pd.read_csv(self.csv_path, keep_default_na=False)
  123. income_df = income_df.iloc[1:]
  124. # income_df['Credit'].replace(' ', '', regex=True, inplace=True)
  125. # income_df['Debit'].replace(' ', '', regex=True, inplace=True)
  126. income_df = income_df.loc[(income_df['Suma Credit'] != '') & (income_df['Suma Credit'] != 0.00)]
  127. # print(income_df['Suma Credit'])
  128. income_df['Amount'] = income_df['Suma Credit'].map(str).apply(dig_it)
  129. income_df['symbols'] = ''
  130. income_df['types'] = ''
  131. income_df.loc[income_df['symbols'] == '', 'symbols'] = 411.01
  132. income_df.loc[income_df['types'] == '', 'types'] = 'ALIMENTARE CREDIT'
  133. self._calculate_payment_attributes(income_df, mentor_names, day_slice=day_slice)
  134. return income_df
  135. def _calculate_payment_attributes(self, df, mentor_names, day_slice=(0, 2)):
  136. # df['Amount'] = df['Credit'].map(str).apply(dig_it).map(abs)
  137. df['Name'] = df['Explicatie'].apply(re_check_otp)
  138. names = [name for name in df['Name'] if name != '']
  139. for name2 in names:
  140. index_ = name2.count(' ')
  141. # nname = name2 # ' '.join(name2.split()[:index_]).upper()
  142. # print(name2)
  143. for name in mentor_names:
  144. # index_ = name.count(' ')
  145. if len(' '.join(name.split()[:index_]).upper()) < 3:
  146. index_ = 2
  147. elif len(' '.join(name.split()[:index_]).upper()) < 2:
  148. index_ = 1
  149. if ' '.join(name2.split()[:index_]).upper() in name.upper():
  150. # print(name)
  151. for index, row in df.iterrows():
  152. if row['Name'] == name2:
  153. df.loc[index, 'Name'] = name
  154. df['Transaction details'] = df['Explicatie']
  155. df['day'] = df['Data op.'].str.slice(*day_slice)
  156. df.loc[df['Transaction details'].str.lower().str.startswith('comision'), 'symbols'] = 627
  157. df.loc[df['Transaction details'].str.lower().str.startswith('abonament'), 'symbols'] = 627
  158. # df.loc[df['Transaction details'].str.lower().str.startswith('inchidere depozit'), 'symbols'] = 508.01
  159. df.loc[df['symbols'] == 627, 'types'] = 'DIRECT PE CHELTUIELI'
  160. df.loc[df['Transaction details'].str.lower().str.startswith('dobanda'), 'symbols'] = 766
  161. # df.loc[df['Transaction details'].str.lower().str.startswith('alimentare cont depozit'), 'symbols'] = 508.01
  162. df.loc[df['symbols'] == 766, 'types'] = 'DIRECT PE VENITURI'
  163. # df.loc[df['symbols'] == 508.01, 'types'] = direction
  164. unique_count = df['day'].nunique()
  165. self.doc_list = list(range(1, unique_count + 1))
  166. days = df['day'].unique().tolist()
  167. self.days = days
  168. trans = []
  169. cl_names = []
  170. obs = []
  171. counts = []
  172. symbols = []
  173. types = []
  174. for day in days:
  175. values = df.loc[df['day'] == day, 'Amount'].tolist()
  176. trans.append(values)
  177. self.trans_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip(days, trans)}
  178. for day in days:
  179. values = df.loc[df['day'] == day, 'Name'].tolist()
  180. for i in range(len(values)):
  181. if values[i] not in mentor_names:
  182. values[i] = ''
  183. cl_names.append(values)
  184. self.names_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip(days, cl_names)}
  185. # print(self.names_dict)
  186. for day in days:
  187. values = df.loc[df['day'] == day, 'Transaction details'].tolist()
  188. obs.append(values)
  189. self.obs_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip(days, obs)}
  190. for day in days:
  191. value_counts = df['day'].value_counts()
  192. count_of_value = value_counts[day]
  193. counts.append(count_of_value)
  194. self.counts = counts
  195. for day in days:
  196. acc_symbol = df.loc[df['day'] == day, 'symbols'].tolist()
  197. symbols.append(acc_symbol)
  198. self.symbol_list = {k: v for k, v in zip(days, symbols)}
  199. for day in days:
  200. type_ = df.loc[df['day'] == day, 'types'].tolist()
  201. types.append(type_)
  202. self.type_list = {k: v for k, v in zip(days, types)}
  203. self.unique_count = unique_count
  204. def to_dict(self, kind: str, month_back: int, std_client: str, acc_symbol: int):
  205. kinds = ['TotalIncasari', 'TotalPlati']
  206. if kind not in kinds:
  207. raise TypeError(f'type not in {kinds}')
  208. else:
  209. data = {'AnLucru': date.today().year,
  210. 'LunaLucru': get_last_month(month_back),
  211. 'TotalDocumente': self.unique_count,
  212. 'documents': self.doc_list,
  213. 'AccountName': self.account_name,
  214. 'AccountSymbol': self.account_symbol,
  215. 'AccountNumber': self.account_number,
  216. 'AccountLocation': self.account_location,
  217. 'AccountAgencyLocation': self.account_agency,
  218. 'Currency': self.currency,
  219. 'days': self.days,
  220. kind: self.counts,
  221. 'incasari': self.counts,
  222. 'clients': self.names_dict,
  223. 'cods': self.fiscal_code_dict,
  224. 'amount': self.trans_dict,
  225. 'cont': self.symbol_list,
  226. 'std_client': std_client,
  227. 'obs': self.obs_dict,
  228. 'represents': self.type_list
  229. }
  230. return data